Virtual Cinema

Star Trek episode " The Royale" and Farscape episode " A Human reaction" both deal with going into a world that didn't seem normal. In Star Trek, after getting strange signals on their computer, the captain sends three of the subjects out to investigate. When they get there they see revolving doors and of course go through them. As soon as they get there they see that the place looks just like a real hotel and is contaminated by "humans", as they try to figure out clues as to what is happening they give up and try to leave but it turns out they are trapped. It turns out that the world they were trapped in was based on a book and the people that were in the hotel weren’t really people. In the Farscape episode the main character thinks he is finally going home and then realizes he landed in "Australia". After being held captive in "Australia" he soon finds out he is living in his own memory and the people he sees are basically just figments of his imagination, though they were real people in his life.
These episodes and "The Matrix" have pretty much the same themes in common: Reality vs. Fantasy. In comparison to these works we could pretty much fit this into our own lives. The times when something happens and we feel like it has happened before; "deja vu". How do we know for sure that it in fact didn’t happen, who’s to prove that dreams are really dreams and reality is really reality? The “allegory of he cave” was written by Plato, his idea was if humans would ever step out of their force field and face reality. Reality vs. illusion. “Allegory of the cave” can be compared to “The Matrix.” Comparing the world inside “ Matrix” to being inside the cave and the world outside the cave to being outside of “The Matrix.” The idea of reality vs. fantasy and comparing it to two different worlds is just like real life and dreams. When dreaming, you basically are in another dimension and it feels weird when you remember it. Dreams are just a record of your thoughts so in a way dreams are reality. As, I wrote my college essay to submit to colleges last year I wanted to write about my dreams and aspirations, so I did a little research on dreams and this is how my intro went: Dreams. What is a dream? Defined as a succession of images passing through mind during sleep. But I have a different view. A dream doesn’t just happen when you sleep, a dream is an explosive thought. It keeps you open minded and free and lets you imagine the unexpected. You can live your biggest fantasies and no one can stop you. A dream is your life, and if you dream big it would become your reality. Looking back at this, I feel like I wrote it subconsciously. I said a dream is your life, and after comparing each of these movies and shows which share the same theme, my perspective on dreams and fantasy vs. reality still hasn’t changed.

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