"Abre Los Ojos"

In the movie " Abre Los Ojos" I think the main theme is fear. I think fear is the main theme because through out the whole movie the main character was always either scared to do something, scared to wake up, scared to look at himself in the mirror, scared to talk to the crazy lady that kept stalking him, scared of everything, but most importantly his fear of reality. His fear of reality was the reason why he didn't want to open his eyes which traces back to the title of the movie. "Abre Los Ojos" meaning " Open your eyes" in spanish. In the movie, the reason why he wants to basically "die" and relive again is because he wants to have a new life, he does'nt want to be ugly. The movie shows how vanity and reality have a big part to deal with how the main character, Cesar feels. He also has a fear to lose everything he had, his money and the beautiful girl which he loves, he is willing to start his life all over. Then Cesar must finally face reality and thats when they wake him up from his horrible "nightmare" It turns out that he was living nightmare after nightmare in the movie. After he suffers the accident and his face has turned into a complete disaster he changes his way of being because he is scared he would be judged. He tries everything to feel " beautiful" again so he could be happy but it seems as the only solution is to hide from the world. The woman of his dreams isnt going to love a guy with that face anymore. It doesnt tell you right away in the movie, but he ends up basically selling his soul to the devil and applying for a company that freezes your body and wakes you up in the future, so everything after the accident in the movie was just a dream and didnt really happen. After he remembers what has happened he wakes up from his nightmare to live his life how he truly wanted it.

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