A Vision of Students Today

(Forgot about this one)

Well, most of the things that were said in the video do apply to me as well. It's amazing how much money is spent on school in just one year by just one person. My question is, is college really an investment? What would we be getting back that we didn't already have? Because it is such a general topic I was thinking about doing more research and getting more into it. I wont just sit here and tell you I'm in school because I HAVE to be, because technically nobody is putting a gun to my head telling me I must, but I want to be successful so I guess its just a risk were all willing to take. College is just like an exam and I guess a graduation diploma just comes to say that somebody else approves of your knowledge... I must disagree about technology helping everything. Of course now it seems like a need but back then things were soooo much more different than today, even though there were other distractions. Now, it does makes things better and easier for the fact that you dont need tocarry around books all the time and actually read them for a project and collect newspapers and clippings for future references, but the internet is the biggest distraction now. For me specifically, some times it is easier to type up project because people type faster than how they write, and for research papers it ise easier to collect and gather information, everything is there for you to see at the same time. But I get so distracted just staring at a screen, I always feel like I have ADD, and I start checking out other things in the internet, and even with out me checking those sights, just staring at a screen makes it a little weird. A great comparison would be for this class and the media class, compared to the american film class. Professor Rheuban is very traditional when it comes to teaching so sometimes though it is more boring I find it easier. Here's an assignment with the question, answer it and its easier for me to get my thoughts down by handwriting it; and what comes to prove that is Essay number 3 compared to Essay number two. I guess staring at a blank screen makes my mind go blank. For me, school would just always be the same; I will always love learning but hate school. The thought of getting up in the morning, projects that take you weeks to do.. My senior year in highschool had to be the hardest year of my life because I was going to be making a life changing decision, I wanted to leave the city so I can feel more independent I wanted the college experience and I didnt want to have to be living with mom and dad, but come to think of it now I would be more dependent than anything far from home.Then I figured why should I dirty my name with debt when I can get the same education some where for less. My oldest sister graduated from Syracuse University and that diploma hasnt taken her very far, only time would tell I guess, but my sisrer that graduated from City College has just a good enough job, so what is really the big deal? And I can just go on about this...

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